For Kids!

Feel free to explore the resources on this page. Included below are activities that you can do with children during the week and special activities for Sunday mornings!

Children’s Worship Bulletins are available in activity bags located just outside the Sanctuary doors, or each weeks lesson can be found below for download!

Safe Sanctuaries Training

In the United Methodist Baptismal Covenant, the church promises to “surround these persons with a community of love and forgiveness that they may grow in their trust of God, and be found faithful in their service to others. We will pray for them, that they may be true disciples who walk in the way to that leads to life.” Therefore, it is the church’s duty to provide safe spaces for children where they can grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Every effort is taken to ensure the adults working with children throughout the West Virginia Annual Conference are qualified.   Each place where children are located is required to have two unrelated adults in the room. According to the policies of the Annual Conference all adults working with children will receive training and have a background check. Each local congregation must also have it’s own governing Safe Sanctuaries (formerly known as Child Protection) Policy.