Joining Wesley UMC

Your decision to become a member of Wesley United Methodist Church is one of the most significant choices you will ever make. We rejoice in your decision and welcome you to this community of faith. We are committed to growing in faith together as we allow the Lord to form us and mold us into a fruitful body of believers. Wesley UMC is a church where you will find countless opportunities to grow in your own relationship with Jesus Christ, serve Him in visible ways, and be a part of a church that is actively engaged in mission for Jesus Christ both locally and globally.

We take seriously the call to ministry that God gives all believers. We call this “lay ministry.” Everything we do aims at empowering and equipping people, just like you, to be followers of Jesus and witnesses to His great love and grace. You will hear and see a lot of lay ministry at Wesley UMC. We are glad you have chosen to be a part of this joyous adventure in faith. Welcome! Our staff is available to answer questions and to guide you in your participation and involvement.

1. Decide to belong/commit: People are invited by a friend or simply respond to their own yearnings for God. They approach a congregation, which rejoices in their coming and reaches out to welcome them.

2. Discover gifts/call: People seek God through various settings in the congregation. They enter into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, mediated through the various disciplines and practices they learn, such as Bible reading and study, worship, prayer, fasting, and holy communion. They begin to relate to groups within the church where call and gifts can be explored, such as Bible studies, Sunday School, and other smaller settings.

3. Demonstrate faith through ministry/mission: People are nurtured and encouraged to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith, particularly as it interfaces with the secular world. This knowledge is not for the sake of knowledge, but that Christians may more fully live the abundant life in family and community and may more confidently represent and witness to the faith they hold. They are encouraged to become involved with an outwardly focused mission or ministry as a part of the church. In this, they learn and grow even more in their faith journey.

4. Lifelong disciple: People move out of the congregation and into the world, aware that they are ministers and ambassadors of Christ, committed to witness and service in the world. They use the opportunities of daily living to invite and encourage others.

If you are interested in joining the church, you may check the appropriate box on the connection card provided in your bulletin and the minister will contact you. You can also contact the church office about your interest in joining. We have several Sundays throughout the year where new members are invited to participate in the life of our church.