Children’s Ministry
Help your children develop a strong spiritual foundation through our vibrant children’s ministry! With engaging lessons, fun activities, and a nurturing community, your kids will build friendships, grow in their faith, and discover how much God loves them. It’s a place where they can learn, belong, and thrive.
Sunday School: Children’s Sunday school is available for children ages three years through third grade. Children experience the Bible through stories and hands-on activities. Children’s Sunday school meets at 9:30 a.m. on the third floor.
Nursery: A nursery is available for children ages newborn through two years old during worship. The nursery is located between the Resource Room and the Davis Gym on the first floor. Children interact with each other and the nursery workers in a kind, supportive environment.
Children’s Church: Children’s church is available during the 11 a.m. service on the third floor. Our children depart after the children’s sermon for stories, activities, and more.
Acolytes: Acolytes are children (age 3rd grade and up) who light the sanctuary candles and assist with communion and baptism. If your child would like to participate, contact Lya Stroupe at to learn more.
Vacation Bible School: Each summer, be part of the excitement at Vacation Bible School, where kids dive into unforgettable adventures that bring Bible stories to life! Through fun games, creative crafts, uplifting music, and meaningful lessons, children build their faith while making lasting friendships. VBS is an opportunity to grow, learn, and celebrate God’s love in unexpected ways.
Safe Sanctuaries Training: In the United Methodist Baptismal Covenant, the church promises to “surround these persons with a community of love and forgiveness that they may grow in their trust of God and be found faithful in their service to others. We will pray for them, that they may be true disciples who walk in the way to that leads to life.” Therefore, it is the church’s duty to provide safe spaces for children where they can grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Every effort is taken to ensure the adults working with children throughout the West Virginia Annual Conference are qualified. Each place where children are located is required to have two unrelated adults in the room. According to the policies of the Annual Conference, all adults working with children will receive training and have a background check. Each local congregation must also have its own governing Safe Sanctuaries Policy. Contact Children’s Education Director Lya Stroupe at to learn more.
Volunteer: Make a lasting impact in the lives of our youngest members by volunteering with our children’s ministry! By helping to create engaging and meaningful programming, you provide children with a strong foundation of faith and a sense of belonging. Together, we can nurture their spiritual growth and inspire the next generation to walk in God’s love. Contact Children’s Education Director Lya Stroupe at to volunteer.
Children’s Worship Bulletins: Children’s worship bulletins are available in activity bags located just outside the sanctuary doors. The weekly lessons can be downloaded below. Explore activities you can do with your children during the week.
Children’s Worship Bulletins are available in activity bags located just outside the Sanctuary doors, or each weeks lesson can be found below for download!