Volunteer in Worship
Greeters: Share warmth and a welcoming spirit by volunteering as a greeter to help create a friendly and inviting atmosphere at our church. Sign up to greet at our 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. services by contacting the church office at wesleymorgantown@gmail.com.
Scripture Readers: Want to share God’s word with our congregation? Sign up to read during our 8:30 and 11 a.m. services by contacting the church office at wesleymorgantown@gmail.com.
Multimedia Team: Our multimedia team manages the audio/visual tech needs of our Sunday morning worship services and live streams our 11 a.m. service via Facebook Live and YouTube. The A/V team runs the sound board, microphones, visuals and cameras for the pastor, choir, and guest readers and musicians. Contact Colton Davis at wesleyintermedia@gmail.com to learn more and join the team.
Altar Guild: The Altar Guild coordinates altar flower dedications for worship and decorates the church for Advent, Easter, and other special worship services. Contact Michelle Smith at michelle012067@gmail.com to volunteer or made a dedication.
Acolytes: Acolytes are children who light the candles and assist with communion and baptism. This ministry has been paused due to the pandemic and our transition to virtual worship. If your child would like to participate, contact Lya Stroupe at lyastroupe@comcast.net.
Hospitality: Join our hospitality committee and help foster community by coordinating and serving refreshments during fellowship time before and after services. Contact the church office to sign up at wesleymorgantown@gmail.com.
Communion Stewarts: Assist the pastor in serving Holy Communion during the worship service (in addition to special services). If interested in serving, contact the church office at wesleymorgantown@gmail.com.