Worship With Us

Wesley United Methodist Church welcomes anyone who seeks to experience the love of our savior, Jesus Christ. Through worship, prayer, study, fellowship, and service, we strive to strengthen our personal faith journeys and serve our community.

Our in-person services are at 8:30 and at 11:00 each Sunday morning. Can’t join us in person? Then you are welcome to join us here on the Services menu, Facebook or YouTube for the 11:00 a.m. service!

You are welcomed to click on these links to find our weekly bulletin, upcoming events and activities, calendar of events, monthly newsletter, and church directory.

February is Black History Month, so check our educational focus on Howard Washington Thurman.

Contact Us:

Wesley United Methodist Church

503 N. High St.

Morgantown, WV 26505



Facebook: @WesleyMorgantown

YouTube: @WesleyMorgantownOrg1904